
lampion22 (Eric Wu) - Programming

McBrosum (Peyton Robinson) - Art & Animation

Game Jam

Ti-Maker was made for Ohio State University's Game Creation Club's game jam. The goal of the game jam was to create a game in under 48 hours that followed the theme of "Buying Time." I worked on the programming while Peyton worked on the art and animations. Some challenges we faced during development were fixing bugs in the game's code and logic, exporting the project as HTML to, and managing enough time for finishing the game and polishing its features. We were able to overcome these problems by assisting each other and giving feedback, managing time effectively while on a college schedule, and by using the internet as a resource for fixing export problems. Overall, our first game jam was successful because we were able to finish our game while also gaining experience in finishing a project efficiently.


W A S D: Move up, left, down, and right.

1 2 3 4: Selects the tower you wish to place.

Left Mouse Button: When holding a tower it will place it down. Otherwise, your character will perform a knock-back attack that can also harvest time crystals.

Right Mouse Button: When holding a tower it will deselect it. Scroll Wheel: Zooms the camera in and out.


The goal of the game is to defend your core from oncoming enemies. Towers can be placed by the player to  either generate more "Time" or to shoot at enemies. Time is a resource that depletes over time and it can be harvested from "Time Crystals" scattered around the map. Time generating towers have a one-time purchase fee, while attacking towers drain time over time as well as having that one-time fee. As your time resource increases, so does enemy difficulty and enemy spawn rate. New enemies start to spawn when your time resource reaches certain checkpoints.  When enemies are defeated, they drop time. If  enemies reach your core, it's game over and you have the option to restart. To win, generate enough time to fill the bar at the top.


Menu: Form by Garlagan -

Prologue: Before the Storm by shadow6nothing9 -

Game: Leight Wight by Garlagan -

Epilogue: Futher and Nevermore by shadow6nothing9 -

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